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CMDR Airman_Dan's Log, 10th June 3307

I found it.  Thousands of light-years off course and running on fumes—again—but I found it.

Apparently the Omega Concern had decided to follow in my high-altitude footsteps and work its way up above the galactic plane.  The sparseness of the stellar inhabitants made it a little easier to find, but the climb still proved a challenge.  Most people try to avoid white dwarfs, but when you've got to make every light year count, you do what you have to.  Who knew there were so many different types?  (I did.  I have the sum of all human and a great deal of Guardian knowledge available at my fingertips in the Codex.  So I knew that.  But it is still a bit of a marvel to actually experience them in person.)  The Fiat Lux proved its mettle and got the job done without complaint.

We've got the Concern parked around one of those dwarfs for now.  Tritium has been hard to come by, but we managed to find a decent supply around a local gas giant, and are taking on as much as we can before resuming course back towards civilization in a few days.  I've meanwhile taken advantage of the opportunity to explore the area; I can't say for certain if the rarities of galactic phenomena are more common here, or if everything else simply isn't, but in any case I've already run across several red giants, a blue giant, and an eight billion year old carbon giant.  One of my fellows even found a blue supergiant, which, at less than a million years, was quite the contrast indeed.

I wasn't planning on heading in this direction, but since we're here, I might as well make the most of it.  I'll do a few more mining runs to quench the Concern's never-ending thirst, but I also want to see how far out I can push the boundaries of our findings.  I've already stumped the navcom once and had to manually weave and wind my way home.  Hopefully I don't wind up stranded, but this change of pace has been exhilarating, and the view from up here isn't half-bad either.